Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Videos: For Dad

"Milton the Monster" has a bit of backstory. So, my father has the memory of an elephant. As little kids, every time someone said the phrase, "oops, too much!" he would start singing under his breath the intro music to a childhood cartoon that, by the time my brother and I were born, had long been off the air. This happened every time we cooked. As an adult, in the last few years I have realized that whenever I say or simply hear the phrase, I start mumbling the words to the theme song unconsciously, usually not knowing it until I register the confused looks in my direction while I try to remedy the oops. Now, thanks to the glory that is YouTube, Dad and I were able to locate the intro theme to cartoon of which the song originates, and more astonishing, Dad had remembered the whole thing correctly, work for word without a change over time! So, now I would like to share with you the earworm, the flamboyantly tender, "Milton the Monster" (embedding disabled).

Since it is the ghoulish season, a few more Halloween videos to get you in the spirit: Michael Jackson and John Landis' "Thriller", Vincent Price reading Poe's "The Raven" (below), and Garfield's Halloween Specatcular (below)!

And yet the debate remains: is "Nightmare Before Christmas" a Halloween or Christmas movie?