Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Excitement

I applied for tickets as soon as I got the e-mail, but have not heard anything since. I received this email at work (DePaul) this morning:

Dear Colleagues:

Loop-based night classes on Tuesday, Nov. 4 will be dismissed by 8:30 p.m. so that students, faculty and staff can avoid the congestion expected for Sen. Barack Obama's election night rally in Grant Park. All academic and student support departments or functions also will close by 8:30 p.m.

Additionally, we will begin restricting public access to Loop Campus buildings at 7 p.m., after all faculty and students will be inside. The buildings will officially close at 8:30 p.m.

While I realize this may require faculty to alter their class plans that night, early dismissal will allow everyone to leave the Loop Campus safely and swiftly on a night when city officials are expecting that as many as 1 million people may participate in a rally just a few blocks away.

Night classes in Lincoln Park and on the suburban campuses on Tuesday will dismiss at their normal times. I appreciate everyone's cooperation.


Helmut Epp

My classes have been cancelled during the day, and I have no Tuesday night class so I remain unaffected. I hope I get lucky with tickets. Come on Ohio, catch up with the Jones'.


Colin Morris said...

Incredible. I still don't have a ballot.