Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mark and Jordan's Wedding

Sadly I was not nearly as camera-snappy as I had intended here. I didn;t even get a shot of Jordan, Drew, myself or the couple together; just the thoughtful thought of mark in the distance right before the ceremony started. We flew into Kentucky the day before and stayed at Drews' parents new home in Lexington. Actually, only his Dad was home as his mom, ironically, was in Hawaii with college friends and actually had lunch with my parents later in the weekend. A high school friend of Drew, Greg, picked us up the next morning and we drove 2.5 hours into western Kentucky for the ceremony. Drew was the best man, and although the wedding was absolutely dry (no alcohol or dancing) he did just swimmingly. The ceremony and reception were at an historic house with great local food that I got to try for the first time. The day was beautiful and we got to meet a lot of great and really interesting people, many from Drew and Mark's high school as well as people from Mark's philosophy grad program. Later we went back to the bride's house for coffee and Drew gave a wonderful, and emotional, toast. Unconventional but very very enjoyable overall.